Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Training Django to talk on cue

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share this short video with you of what I've been working on with Django, my Maximillian's Pionus, since NEI.
As you can see, after a minute the training went awry. For this reason, sometimes I will return my other birds to their cages when training one. Sometimes, as in this video, I leave them out, however.
I hope everyone is well!


  1. Nice job Michelle. I liked your calm clear direction with the birds.
    Thanks for putting that out for us to see.

  2. Hiya Michelle
    (and Cathy and everyone who's silently checking out the blog on a regular base...lol...)

    For some reason I can't find your video and therefore not see what you've done with Django.
    But knowing you Michelle, I bet you've made a good, calm and successful job of it!
    In my mind I can nearly see you working with Django because I've had the priviledge of seeing you work with a wonderful Kea at the NEI.

    How are the other birds doing?


  3. Thanks for the compliments, Cathy and Silver!
    Silver, I don't know if this link will be any better, but it is also on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hha8YM2dV9c.
    My other birds are doing pretty well, too. I hope to take some video this weekend, especially of a complication I'm running into with my senegal, Masti. I'm trying to train him to let me file his nails, but seem to need another hand. lol! I'm hoping there's a wonderful, insightful better way to approach it that I'm missing, and that you all will be able to help me figure it out!

  4. I'm glad you posted the video here, Michelle. As you know, I'd watched it on youtube and I was going to ask you if the blog could link to it. This is so cute and so impressive.
