Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Training Django to talk on cue

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share this short video with you of what I've been working on with Django, my Maximillian's Pionus, since NEI.
As you can see, after a minute the training went awry. For this reason, sometimes I will return my other birds to their cages when training one. Sometimes, as in this video, I leave them out, however.
I hope everyone is well!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parrots as family members

Dear Bird Fans and Friends,

I'd love to hear from you. 

I know there is so much going on out there. Training successes, unexpected difficulties, changing family dynamics! It's very different living with a parrot as a family member/pet than having the structured situation at NEI. Not so easy to control the diet, is it? What are the guidelines for interacting with your bird or birds when it is not training time but family togetherness time? What new found skills have you been able to use and what old habits have returned? For those of you in the northern climes, how is the coming of spring effecting, the birds, you and your time together?

This can be a wonderful resource for us all as we have a common language and experience. Maybe blogging is a new way to communicate( it is for me) and not yet familiar but I think it holds promise. Don't be shy, share a story. It feels so good to know that others are having similar struggles and can give hope and inspiration to many when there is a success.

More and On,